Thursday 28 June 2007

Image Recognition Technology on Japanese Cell Phones

I have always wondered if this would happen. Image recognition on Cell Phones. Maybe it has already been introduced but as far as I'm concerned it hasn't ( I don't pay attention to mobile technology, a phone is a phone to me). Japanese company J-magic has come up with a nifty little online service named Kaocheki, enables one to send digital photo's of themselves to the service, and find out what celebrities the resemble most. Odd service isn't it? But i guess its enertainment in the end isn't it.

Takuya Miyata, the founder of J-Magic Inc. shows off the new Kaocheki service. According the to the service, he looks most like the Japanese comedian, Junji Takada.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun, but to me its a pointless reason to get a new phone. This new age is about convergence, we need more new features. this is why the I-Phone will be such a success!

Arekusu said...

Hmm, this sounds quite interesting, not that there is a need to see what celebrity looks like you, but i guess it opens the door for many more possibilities ^^


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