Friday 29 June 2007

More Suzumiya Haruhi Games

It seems that an influx of Haruhi games is in the process. It was only a while ago when the PSP game was announced. Now, only days later, a PS2 and a Wii game has been announced. Firstly, the PS2 game, that is being developed and is set to be released in January 2008. The game is called Suzumiya Haruhi no Tamado and will be an RPG/Simulation. You play as Kyon and as Kyon, you develope an RPG game. Then, you get to play this game. Interesting ne? Not sure how the RPG system will work but im guessing the action will replicate the turned based battles in Little Busters. Suzumiya Haruhi no Tamado will also come with a figure of Haruhi dressed in RPG attire. Recently, a lot of companies have been releasing figures with thier new games e.g Nanatsuiro Drops PURE.
Then we have the Wii game (no pun intended). Not much is known about this game except for the fact that Kadokawa Shoten are working on it. Since it will be a Wii game theres a high possibility that it will be some kind of Dancing Game. Anyone else hear Hare Hare Yukai? hehehe, seriously, the Wii is just asking for a Haruhi dancing game that has the Hare Hare Yukai in it.
Weekly Famitsu Scan depicting the figure and screenshots from Suzumiya Haruhi no Tamado

Thursday 28 June 2007

School Days

This summer promises to be one of the best yet. Some lovley figures to be released as well as the 4th Naruto motion picture in August. What has got me excited a fair amount is the large amount of new anime starting between next week and September. Probably my most anticipated anime of this season is School Days. The anime is based off of an Eroge of the same name. Story wise, the anime seems pretty average. High School student, Makoto Itou has a crush on a girl in his year named Kotonoha. Although they are in the same year, she has never noticed him before. Another girl named Sekai decides to help him get closer to Kotonoha even though she has strong feelings for Makoto and off starts a love triangle. As i said, sounds pretty average but what made the game famous is its 21 different endings, many of them being extremely violent, ranging from one of the girls getting jealous and killing Makoto or Makoto's new found partner or one of the girls committing suicide via jumping off the school roof.
Its a love story with a twist to say the least and I'm interested to see how TNK will handle this anime. The character designs are really nice and the animation looks great. This is one anime that i will definatley be watching weekly during the summer. More info on School Days can be viewed on the Official Web Page

Image Recognition Technology on Japanese Cell Phones

I have always wondered if this would happen. Image recognition on Cell Phones. Maybe it has already been introduced but as far as I'm concerned it hasn't ( I don't pay attention to mobile technology, a phone is a phone to me). Japanese company J-magic has come up with a nifty little online service named Kaocheki, enables one to send digital photo's of themselves to the service, and find out what celebrities the resemble most. Odd service isn't it? But i guess its enertainment in the end isn't it.

Takuya Miyata, the founder of J-Magic Inc. shows off the new Kaocheki service. According the to the service, he looks most like the Japanese comedian, Junji Takada.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

G Generation Cross Drive DS Lite

Found this picture on the gaming blog, . Looks like another Limited Edition DS Lite. A lot of them have been coming out recently and by August, along with this, more will be released. As you can see, this is a Gundam DS Lite, it will come packaged with the game, SD Gundam G Generation: Cross Drive and is to be released on the 9th of August. The Chars Counter Attack logo looks really good on the front of the DS and its nice to see some colour variation. The bundle will retail for 21,840 yen which is roughly £90. If you haven't already got a DS Lite and want this OR you have a DS but want this anyway, shop around the popular online import shops. I'm sure play-asia will get some in. Also on the subject of DS Lites, I'm sending mine back to Nintendo tomorrow. Had it almost a year and recently a crack developed in the hinge. Heard many reports of this from first shipment DS Lite owners but i never thought it would happen to me. Luckily Nintendo are letting me replace mine for a brand new one for £25.25.

Saturday 23 June 2007

The Meloncholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Video Game - Announced

This question, I'm sure, has been going through the minds of every Haruhi fan out there. "Will a Video Game of this beloved series ever come out?". The answer is yes. Namco Bandai have announced that they are developing a Haruhi game for the PSP and it is set to be released before the year is over. Not much information apart from that has been revieled but the games official site launches on the 10th of July so from then on expect a lot more info on the game to be put forward. As for the games genre, I'm guessing it will play like a visual novel game and will include mini games. But Namco Bandai are producing it and they are famous for there action orientated games so you never know, maybe we could see some kind of Haruhi RPG hit the shelves of Japanese videogame shops at later this year. Let me know your thoughts on this long awaited title.

Friday 22 June 2007

Dissidia Final Fantasy

Some time ago Square Enix revieled that they were producing a Brand New Final Fantasy game. In May of this year, Square laid down key new information about the upcoming game. That information was that the game would be for the PSP and that it will be called Dissidia Final Fantasy. Around this time, scans and screenshots surfaced which showed off the games visuals a bit. As well as screenshots, it was revieled that the game will not be your traditional RPG. It will infact be an action game. Square Enix have described it as "Dramatic Progressive Action" and judging from the amazng trailer that has come out recently, the games action will be dramatic.
The characters in this game span a number of Final Fantasy games. For me the most noticable character is Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX. This leads me to believe the game will be some sort of fighting game featuring characters from many of the Final Fantasy games. The other characters in the game revieled so far all look amazing. I'm not going to tell you who those are right now, watch the trailer and see for yourselves. It will be a lot more satisfying this way.
The trailer can be viewed here.

Thursday 21 June 2007

Work Experience..The 4th Day and so on....

Today i completed my 4th day of Work Experience and it was indeed a very good one. Had a 2 hour statistics exam in the morning but the rest of my day made up for it. I spent a lot of my day downstairs in Creative Village which is where a lot of the editing for adverts and promo's goes on. They had the amazingly big Wacom Tablets, I'm not sure about the actual size but i'll be sure to report back when i get that information. They felt so nice to use. After a long day at the office (always wanted to say that), i met up with my good friend down and we cruised the better parts of Central London, browsing two of our favourite shops, Orbital Manga and Japan Centre. Both are amazing shops. Picked up a few goods while there. Tomorrow I'm off to some company called Nor or something like that, to see the promo i've helped with come to life. While im there i will try to take many pictures since, judging from the amount of comments recently, my recent posts have been quite boring. many Gomens for that -_-;

My buys today are very pleasing. I just looked in one of the Negi-Pa Fanbooks and found out that you get a Pactio Card in each volume that has the cover characters on it. These books are definatley for the fans. The Haruhi Fanbook i have yet to look through but from what I've heard it's a must for Suzumiya Haruhi fans. If any worthwhile info pops up in any of the magazines i bought today, i will be sure to inform those who read this blog. ^ ^

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